Table of Contents

A general practitioner (GP) in Australia must be aware of the key regulatory organisations before beginning their practice. The Australian Medical Board, in partnership with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA), is one of the main organisations. Mentioned below are the essential processes for prospective general practitioners to obtain registration.

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Types of registration

There are many categories (to be specific – 5) of registration for GP IMGs.

General registration: This is granted to Australian and New Zealand Medical graduates, medical practitioners who have previously held a general registration in Australia. International medical graduates (IMGs) in the competent authority pathway or IMGs with the Australian Medical council certificate.

Specialist registration: Medical professionals who have been determined to be qualified for fellowship by an AMC-accredited specialist college may apply for specialist registration. A fellowship is not required in order to register as a specialist.  

Provisional registration: Individuals who meet the requirements for general registration but who must first complete a period of approved supervised practice in Australia are eligible for provisional registration.

Limited registration: Medical professionals with training from a medical school outside of Australia or New Zealand are eligible for limited registration. These medical schools have to be included in the World Directory of Medical Schools as well as the latest web versions of the Australian Medical Council-recognised medical schools.

Non-practising registration: Medical professionals who have totally retired from practice and are temporarily away from it (for example, due to maternity or paternity leave), or are practicing abroad but not in Australia may find this sort of registration appropriate.

Overview of the process

Eligibility requirements: Verify that you fulfil the requirements for eligibility established by the national medical regulating body of the nation in which you intend to practice. A valid medical degree, successful completion of an internship or residency, and perhaps even further postgraduate training are frequently prerequisites.

English language proficiency: Pass a recognised language test, such the TOEFL or IELTS, to show that you are proficient in the English language.

Primary source verification: Send in papers to be verified as primary sources. Usually, this entails supplying certified copies of your medical degree, completion of your internship or residency, and any other pertinent credentials.

Competency examinations: A few nations demand that IMGs pass particular proficiency tests. Written tests, clinical skills evaluations, or both may be a part of this.

Medical Council application: This application will contain all necessary supporting documentation, verification of English language proficiency, and proof of passing any exams that may be necessary.

Supervised practice and bridging programmes: IMGs may occasionally be asked to take part in a bridging programme or a term of supervised practice in order to become acquainted with the healthcare standards and system in the area.

Interviews and assessments: As part of the registration procedure, be ready to participate in exams or interviews.

Registration fee: As specified by the medical regulating body, pay the necessary registration costs.

Visa and Work Authorisation: In order to lawfully practice medicine in the nation after obtaining medical registration, you might also need to apply for a work visa or other required permits.

Medical Board of Australia and APHRA

The Medical Board of Australia (MBA) is a statutory authority that operates under the National Registration and Accreditation Scheme (NRAS) in Australia. Its primary functions include the registration and regulation of medical practitioners and medical students. Here’s a detailed explanation of the listed functions:

Medical Students’ and Practitioners’ Registration:

The national registry of physicians and medical students is kept up to date by the MBA. This entails the evaluation and approval of registration applications, registration renewals, and verification that medical professionals adhere to the necessary practice standards.

Creation of Guidelines, Codes, and Standards:

In Australia, the medical profession relies heavily on the MBA to establish and develop standards, rules of behaviour, and guidelines. These guidelines are intended to guarantee that medical professionals uphold the highest levels of competence, ethics, and professionalism in their work.

Examining Notifications and Grievances:

The Board looks into complaints and alerts it receives about medical professionals. This may entail worries about the behaviour, well-being, or output of a practitioner.

AMC examinations and Competent Authority Pathway

Examinations by AMC:

To evaluate IMGs’ knowledge and abilities, the AMC administers a number of tests. The purpose of these tests is to make sure that International Medical Graduates (IMGs) possess the skills required to practice medicine in Australia safely and effectively. The main tests consist of:

AMC Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) Exam: A computer-based test designed to evaluate candidates’ medical expertise.

The Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) known as the AMC Clinical Exam assesses both clinical and communication abilities.

IMGs typically use the AMC exams as a means of proving their medical competency. It is frequently necessary to pass these tests in order to be registered to practice medicine in Australia.

Pathway of Competent Authority:

For IMGs who obtained their primary medical qualifications in nations or territories with which Australia has a reciprocal relationship, there is an alternate route known as the Competent Authority Pathway. Such agreements deem a country’s officials competent.

IMGs from nations with competent authorities may be qualified for expedited registration and assessment procedures under this channel. IMGs are normally required to fulfil specified standards, which may vary, but generally speaking, they include completing medical training at an accredited university and holding a credential accepted by the Medical Board of Australia.

Canada, Ireland, and the United Kingdom are among the nations that have agreements regarding Competent Authority. It’s crucial that IMGs review the most recent list of authorised authorities and the particular guidelines that go along with it.

Specialist Pathway to fellowship

For international medical graduates (IMGs) who have finished their specialty training outside of Australia and want to continue specialised medical practice, there is a procedure called the specialist Pathway to Fellowship in Australia. The Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA), the Medical Board of Australia, and the relevant medical schools work together to manage the pathway.

IMGs may need to complete further specialised training in Australia after being admitted into the pathway in order to make up for any gaps in their foreign training. This can entail taking part in an official training course approved by the medical institution.

When IMGs successfully complete the necessary training, exams, and assessments, the relevant Australian medical college may grant them Fellowship. The highest honour awarded to a physician; a fellowship certifies their status as a specialist in their selected specialty.


In order to guarantee that general practitioners (GPs) fulfil the requirements for practice in the Australian healthcare system, these regulatory agencies supervise the evaluation, registration, and licensing procedures. AHPRA and the MBA are essential to preserving the public’s health and the integrity of the medical profession.

To successfully complete the registration procedure and support the provision of high-quality healthcare in Australia, prospective general practitioners should communicate with these agencies such as Medfuture to help in obtaining the best possible job opportunities. International medical graduates must register with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) and the Medical Board of Australia (MBA) in order to practice as a General Practitioner (GP) in Australia. Contact Medfuture today! To obtain the best possible job opportunities as an IMG or local. Expect customised and expert help in finding the job of your dreams with Medfuture.

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