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Physiotherapists are essential in aiding patients with pain management and injury recovery. But as with many other healthcare occupations, physiotherapists’ earning potential varies greatly by region. It would be helpful to look at the pay before deciding to concentrate on your job hunt after graduation if you are a physiotherapist or a student hoping to become one. We’ll list the states where average Physiotherapist salary in Australia is greater and where there are more opportunities to earn overtime and bonuses. If you are aspiring to search for job opportunities based on location, head over to the Medfuture job listings to find the best offers of different locations.

Salary vs Location

As Australia is a country with a vast landscape that spreads through different urban and outback locations the job conditions and renumerations differ vastly. The Physiotherapist salaries could be high or low according to the locations. Professionals often choose to change territories as they choose a better location with greater pay. Medfuture often has listings that are based on various locations and salary amount so potential seekers can decide on what choice to make though this easy filter of location.

Salaries are often subjected to massive change due to political reasons, demand and other economic reasons such as inflation. This is a common occurrence for Physiotherapist salary in Australia as well. Given below are the top 5 ranking states for Physiotherapist salary in Australia. This data is quite dynamic however this is ranking is based on the most recent data on highest paid states in Australia.

Australian Capital Territory – $99,871, per year

The ACT has consistently ranked as the highest paying state/territory for physiotherapists in Australia.

Canberra is the capital city of the ACT and home to many government jobs, which contributes to higher average salary.

More experienced physiotherapists and those working in specialized private clinics or hospitals tend to earn towards the upper end of the typical $100,000-$140,000 salary range.

Remuneration packages may include additional superannuation/pension benefits for those in public sector roles.

Cost of living is generally higher in Canberra compared to other cities, but salaries also reflect this.

Opportunities exist within the public health system as well as private orthopaedic and sports medicine clinics.

Northern Territory – $95,342

Job security is expected to remain high over the coming years, with a projected 10.4% employment growth outlook for physiotherapists in the NT between 2021-2026. This is above the national average of 8.5% when compared with physiotherapist salary in Australia.

There is high demand for physiotherapists across both public and private sectors in the NT. Major employers include public hospitals, private practices, aged care and disability facilities.

Locum and contract roles often offer higher hourly or daily rates in the NT, sometimes up to $150/hour, due to the need to attract physiotherapists to more remote areas of the territory.

Opportunities exist for specialization in areas like sports physiotherapy, women’s health, paediatrics and occupational health. Post-graduate qualifications can lead to higher earning potentials.

Western Australia – $87985 per year

The average annual physiotherapy salary in Perth, the capital city of WA, is at approximately $92,669 according to several data from job sites.

Physiotherapist Salaries can vary depending on factors like experience level, location (metro vs regional), and employment sector (public hospital, private practice, etc.).

More senior physiotherapists and those working in specialized private clinics tend to earn towards the higher end of the $65,000-100,000 salary range in Perth.

New South Wales – $87,248 per year

The average salary for a physiotherapist in New South Wales, Australia, varies based on experience and location.

According to data from various sources, the average annual salary for a physiotherapist in Sydney, New South Wales, ranges from approximately A$65,000 to A$93,159.

Entry-level salaries for new graduates in New South Wales start at around A$67,000 per year. Salaries may vary depending on factors like location, area of specialization, level of experience, and whether working in the public or private sector.

Physiotherapists in remote/rural areas tend to earn more.

Job Outlook expects employment for physiotherapists to grow strongly over the next 5 years, driven by an aging population and advances in healthcare and sports medicine.

Victoria – $84,921 per year

With Melbourne as its capital, Victoria has a large healthcare sector providing opportunities for physiotherapists. The average salary for a physiotherapist in Victoria is $85,400 per year. The average additional cash compensation is $10,000, with a range from $5,400 – $15,500.

Regional areas in WA generally offer higher salaries to attract physiotherapists, often in the low-to-mid $100,000s annually.

The resources sector is another high-paying industry for physiotherapists in WA, with salaries over $100,000 being common.

These figures are averages and actual salaries may vary based on factors such as experience, qualifications, and specific employer.

Queensland – $87,985

Physiotherapy Salary starts around $75,000 at the lower end and can exceed $120,000 for more senior roles.

Private practices and clinics in major cities like Brisbane, the Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast and Townsville regularly advertise for physiotherapists. Salaries tend to be competitive with public roles, and some clinics offer commission or profit-sharing incentives in addition to physiotherapy salary.

Sports physiotherapy is a growing field in Queensland, with practices specializing in areas like hydrotherapy, Pilates and sports injuries. Physiotherapy salaries can exceed $100k when commission and bonuses are factored in for busy practices.

Regional and rural towns also advertise physiotherapy vacancies to service local hospitals and private practices. Relocation incentives may apply for hard-to-staff areas. Telehealth is also expanding clinical opportunities in remote communities which creates a new factor in physiotherapy salary.

What causes salary differences based on the location?

Salaries in many professions, including physiotherapy, are heavily influenced by location. Factors like the cost of living, the supply and demand for particular employment, and the kinds of companies in the area can all have an impact on an individual’s earnings based on where they live and work. This raises the question, “What precisely causes the salary variations for physiotherapists that we see between different regions?” Comprehending the fundamental principles can aid in elucidating salary differences and offer valuable background information for career planning decisions for residence and employment locations. The factors listed below affect salaries differently depending on where they are.  

Cost of living variations: Salaries tend to be higher in major cities where the cost of housing, goods, and services is greater.

Demand: Densely populated urban centres have more patients and job opportunities, increasing demand for physiotherapists’ services. This contributes to higher earning potential in metropolitan locations.

Remoteness allowances: Physiotherapists working in very remote areas may receive additional pay incentives or loadings to compensate for the higher costs and challenges of living/working far from major population centres.

Public vs. private sector differences: Physiotherapy salary for therapists employed in the public health system vary between states/territories due to jurisdictional factors. Private practice pay also fluctuates based on the local economy and number of competitors.

Experience levels: Major cities tend to have more senior physiotherapists in management/specialist roles compared to regional/rural areas, leading to larger disparities in average earnings between locations.

Work settings: Hospitals pay more physiotherapy salary than private clinics on average. Metropolitan areas have more physiotherapists working in higher-paying roles like hospitals, private rehab clinics, sports injuries clinics, etc.

In conclusion, physiotherapist salary in Australia is significantly influenced by location due to a variety of factors, including differences in living expenses, service demand, public sector pay scales, and the kinds of employment that are accessible in various areas. In comparison to rural areas, metropolitan cities typically offer higher average physiotherapy salary. But living expenses are also usually more expensive. For those willing to labour in underserved areas, incentives in remote and rural areas might increase compensation. All things considered; physiotherapists can make better career decisions about where to maximize their earnings potential while also taking individual lifestyle preferences into consideration by taking location-based salary drivers into account.

Knowing more about these regional salary differences gives physiotherapists the ability to select practice locations and settings that best suit their non-financial and financial goals. As you are now aware of the choices available to you, filter and seek the nearest locations, best paid locations for your physiotherapy career on Medfuture.

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