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Telemedicine has taken positive turn in the delivery of healthcare services, especially after the onset of the pandemic. The necessity for obtaining remote healthcare services became more and more important during and soon after the pandemic. The trend still continues, even after the pandemic, due to its many advantages.

Telemedicine is popular in branches of medical care, including dermatology. Medfuture has also embraced the evolvement of telemedicine and works in bringing together telemedicine healthcare workers and organisations via effective recruitment services.

What is telemedicine in dermatology?

Telemedicine refers to the following (including in the context of dermatology):

It involves a mobile app that allows dermatologists and other medical practitioners to communicate with their patients via video communication methods like chat services.

It involves a software programme that allows primary healthcare providers to collaborate with medical specialists, including dermatologists, who are not physically located in the same place. It is done by sending images of various health conditions for accurate, effective, and remote diagnosis.

Patients can benefit in many ways using remote diagnosis and other types of healthcare services provided via telemedicine, by connecting remotely to their healthcare service providers and dermatologists.

What to expect in Telemedicine in dermatology in New Zealand?

Telemedicine in dermatology provides you with the freedom of meeting your dermatologist in New Zealand from the comfort of your home using a computer or smartphone. Patients that have new healthcare concerns or chronic conditions can benefit from telemedicine services. A telemedicine in dermatology appointment may include the following:

A phone call with your dermatologist

A video conference with your dermatologist

Sending your dermatologists images of your specific medical condition securely via a patient portal or encrypted email service

Here is what to expect during your telemedicine in dermatology appointment:

Your dermatologist will examine your skin, nails, and hair, and identify any issues

Your dermatologist will check suspicious areas in your skin, especially if there is a potential melanoma spot to be tested or removed, in which case you will be called to physically remove it.

Your dermatologist will recommend treatment for caring for chronic skin conditions like eczema or psoriasis

Your dermatologist will prescribe medication based on the medical condition

You will be given a board-certified dermatologist that will visit you at home, if you live in a rural or remote area

When does telemedicine work for dermatology and when it doesn’t?

Some may point the fact that telemedicine for dermatology can’t completely replace physical visits. However, it can greatly help whenever you cannot make it to your dermatologist’s office.

Telemedicine works best for physical dermatological conditions involving the skin, nails, and hair, including:

  • Acne
  • Rashes
  • Eczema
  • Psoriasis
  • Suspicious moles or spots

The dermatologist may sometimes want to see you personally depending on your skin condition.

When does telemedicine work for dermatology?

Telemedicine for dermatology is appropriate for maintenance of skin conditions, such as those who come in for their Isotretinoin prescriptions such as Accutane. It’s also possible to identify easy-to-diagnose skin conditions like psoriasis, eczema, poison ivy, or shingles. These are distinct rashes that makes it possible to be cared for virtually.

When doesn’t telemedicine work for dermatology?

Telemedicine may not be so apt annual skin checkups and potential skin cancer diagnoses. It shows that not every dermatology consultation is appropriate of tele-consultation. Annual skin checks must be done face to face and not virtually.

If you have a suspicious bump and need to get it checked for potential cancer cells, you may get it checked virtually at first. Your dermatologist may ask you to come to visit him physically, if further observation, inspection, and tests are required.

Cosmetic procedures are also not possible to be done via telemedicine. Working on wrinkles, fine lines, discoloration, or melisma, is possible fading solutions- like Retin-A. However, cosmetic procedures like fillers and Botox are not possible via tele-consultation.

Advantages of telemedicine in dermatology in New Zealand

The primary advantage of telemedicine in dermatology in skin lesion analysis, is the potential for speedy treatment by reducing the time between management and referrals. There is a significant improvement for outcomes, including biopsy, clinic appointment, or definitive treatment. Telemedicine in dermatology allows for reduced wait times and earlier skin lesion management. Overall, there is a significant time-saving factor when using tele-dermatology in managing skin lesions.

Benefits of telemedicine remote diagnosis solutions for dermatology

Telemedicine and related technology have been able to introduce advancements in New Zealand’s healthcare system. Tele-dermatology provides significant benefits to both dermatologists and their patients.

Here are the benefits of telemedicine in dermatology:

Fast service delivery

Telemedicine in dermatology allows for the transfer of information in rapid speed. For example, you can send skin health reports or images of skin spots, and obtain responses within a gap of a few minutes. It allows for patients to connect with their dermatologists quickly and simultaneously.

Accessible healthcare

Telemedicine allows skin specialists to monitor patients remotely, if required. It is especially beneficial for patients living in remote and rural regions of New Zealand. It also makes healthcare services accessible to the elderly and those with mobility issues.

Convenience and privacy

Telemedicine in dermatology allows medical specialists, including dermatologists, to consult and diagnose remotely. That way, patients have the freedom to see their dermatologist and get their skin health checked at the comfort and privacy of their homes.

Rapid emergency care

Sometimes checking the status of your skin condition may be crucial and urgent. In such instances, telemedicine in dermatology makes it easy for you to get yourself or your loved ones assess right away from wherever you are. It provides great options for you and your dermatologist. Your dermatologist will be able to provide you with emergency care details until you get to a hospital or medical centre.

Enhanced treatment follow-up and patient care

Telemedicine in dermatology allows your dermatologist to check your skin regularly and stay updated on its status. It enhances the overall care experience that patients receive from their dermatologists. It allows to monitor each patient’s treatment course and make any modification as required, as each patient responds to treatment in different ways.

Improved engagement

With improved access and engagement with dermatologists, patients know that they can reach for skin health advice and treatment whenever they want. Knowing that they can get in touch with a dermatologist anytime they want, makes them seek treatment for various skin conditions and helps detect them at the early stages.

Reduced skin care costs

Telemedicine in dermatology greatly allows to reduce skin health care costs for patients and dermatologists. It significantly reduces the cost involved in accommodating patients in healthcare facilities. It also reduces the costs involved in traveling to the healthcare facility.

Effectiveness of telemedicine in dermatology in New Zealand

There is a high accuracy level in using telemedicine in dermatology to identify and assess skin lesions. Studies have shown that the results are almost similar to the results gained when having face-to-face consultations and appointments.

There is also a high level of variation in diagnostic concordance identified in tele-dermatology research related to skin lesion. A significant distinction when reviewing skin lesion assessment using tele-dermatology is the use of tele-dermoscopy. It’s vital when pigmented lesions are reviewed. Dermoscopy images used in tele-dermatology is more effective than clinical images in itself.

Image quality in tele-dermatology

Image quality is a crucial part of skin lesion tele-dermatology. The proportion of images seems adequate for diagnosis in tele-dermatology. Difference in camera resolution and user experience with dermoscopy does not necessarily show a difference in image quality. The image quality varies depending on several factors, such as the inclusion of dermoscopy, the experience of the camera operator, and the equipment in use.

Tele-dermatology making a difference in healthcare in New Zealand

Tele-dermatology technology has made a significant difference in healthcare in New Zealand. New Zealand has a selected number of specialist dermatologists and an increasing number of patients with various skin conditions. New Zealand also has a higher number of patients with skin cancer, which requires expert diagnosis and treatment. Skin conditions like melanoma are difficult to detect, which dermascopy makes possible to a great extent. It is one of the main reasons for the popularity of tele-dermatology in New Zealand.

Skin lesions are classified via tele-dermoscopic diagnosis, which further proves the efficiency and benefits of tele-medicine in dermatology within the New Zealand healthcare system.

Contact Medfuture as we are a reputed healthcare recruitment organisation that strongly stands with technically-advanced healthcare systems and related specialists. Medfuture helps connect qualified and experienced medical specialists with reputed healthcare organisations to provide the best healthcare services to all patients. Visit the Medfuture website to view the highest-paid and latest medical jobs in Australia and New Zealand.

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