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Becoming a psychologist in Australia can be a deeply rewarding and fulfilling career choice for several reasons. One of the primary motivations is a genuine interest in understanding human behaviour, emotions, and thought processes. Psychologists have the opportunity to make a meaningful impact on the lives of others by helping them navigate challenges, cope with mental health issues, and improve overall well-being. The field of psychology in Australia offers diverse career opportunities across various specialisations, such as clinical psychology, counselling, organisational psychology, and forensic psychology, allowing individuals to find a niche that aligns with their interests and passions.

Salaries of Psychologists in Australia

The BLS estimated that in 2021, psychologists were making an average of AU$81,040 annually. Psychologists with the lowest pay earned AU$47,850 or less, while those with the greatest pay earned over AU$133,890. With a median salary of AU$103,850, government employees are the highest paid psychologists. Hospitals (AU$99,330) and ambulatory health care services (AU$83,770) are the next highest paying sectors.

Medfuture will help in obtaining the best possible jobs in Australia. Through 9+ years of experience in the field of healthcare recruitment and personalised plans for individuals, you will be assured to obtain the best possible job opportunities Australia has to offer.

Here are the steps to become a licensed psychologist in Australia

There are four common steps to become a psychologist in Australia, but all these steps combined takes up to 8 years to becoming a licensed psychologist in Australia.

One of the first steps is to earn a bachelor’s degree a bachelor’s degree in psychology from a recognised university. You have to make sure the programme is accredited by the Australian Psychology Accreditation Council (APAC).

Secondly, complete an Honours year in psychology or an equivalent qualification. This is usually an additional year of study following the completion of a bachelor’s degree.

As the third step pursue a Master’s or Doctorate (Ph.D. or Psy.D.) in Psychology. This is a needed requirement for registration as a psychologist in Australia.

Complete a period of supervised practice, usually two years of full-time equivalent (FTE) supervised practice, or its part-time equivalent. This practical experience is gained under the supervision of a registered psychologist as the fourth step. During this immersive experience, aspiring psychologists have the invaluable opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge gained from their academic studies to real-world scenarios under the guidance of a registered psychologist. The supervisory relationship is pivotal, providing a structured framework for professional development, mentorship, and ongoing feedback.

As the fifth step apply for provisional registration with the Psychology Board of Australia. You will need to submit your academic transcripts, proof of supervised practice, and other required documentation. This pivotal step involves the submission of a comprehensive application that includes academic transcripts, detailing the completion of a bachelor’s degree in psychology, and additional documentation substantiating any postgraduate qualifications. Essential to this application is evidence of supervised practice, typically comprising two years of full-time equivalent experience under the guidance of a registered psychologist.

As the sixth step successfully complete the National Psychology Exam, which assesses your knowledge and skills in psychology. This is a requirement for general registration.

Apply for general registration with the Psychology Board of Australia after successfully completing the National Psychology Exam. General registration allows you to practice independently as a psychologist as the seventh step. General registration signifies a crucial milestone, as it empowers psychologists to practice independently. This status grants professionals the autonomy to work in various settings, such as private practice, clinics, hospitals, or educational institutions, without the need for direct supervision.

For the eighth step, if you wish to specialise in a specific area, such as clinical psychology or educational and developmental psychology, you can apply for an area of practice endorsement. This requires additional qualifications and supervised practice in the chosen area.

To stay ahead of the game and be updated, as the ninth step you can engage in ongoing professional development activities to maintain and update your skills and knowledge. The Psychology Board of Australia requires psychologists to participate in CPD activities regularly. The field of psychology is dynamic, with advancements in research, therapeutic techniques, and understanding of mental health occurring regularly. The Psychology Board of Australia recognises the importance of psychologists staying current with these developments and, as such, mandates regular participation in CPD activities.

As the tenth step you should adhere to the ethical guidelines and professional standards set by the Psychology Board of Australia and relevant professional bodies. These guidelines serve as a framework to ensure the highest level of professionalism, integrity, and ethical conduct in the field. Psychologists are entrusted with the well-being of individuals, and ethical principles guide their interactions, assessments, and interventions


The journey to becoming a licensed psychologist in Australia is a multifaceted and transformative process that demands dedication, academic rigor, and hands-on experience. Starting with the completion of a psychology bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution, aspiring psychologists progress to an Honours year or an equivalent qualification, setting the stage for specialised knowledge. Postgraduate study, whether a Master’s or Doctorate, follows, providing an in-depth understanding of psychological principles and practices. The subsequent step involves two years of full-time equivalent (FTE) supervised practice, a period of immersion where theoretical knowledge is applied under the guidance of a registered psychologist, fostering the development of practical skills and ethical considerations.

The process culminates in the application for provisional registration with the Psychology Board of Australia, requiring meticulous submission of academic transcripts, proof of supervised practice, and other essential documentation.

Throughout this journey, a commitment to adhering to ethical guidelines and engaging in ongoing professional development is emphasised. The profession’s dedication to maintaining high standards ensures that licensed psychologists not only possess the theoretical knowledge but also the practical skills and ethical grounding necessary to make a positive impact on the mental well-being of individuals and communities. In essence, the process reflects a comprehensive and rigorous approach to producing highly qualified and ethically responsible professionals ready to contribute to the dynamic landscape of psychology in Australia.

To obtain psychologist jobs in Australia, all you have to do is look through Medfuture’s job board and apply to the jobs that suits your requirements and skills.

Be fulfilled in the job you do and let us, Medfuture, help you!

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